April 20, 2011

How to Write an Article or a Blog That Search Engines And Your Readers Love

You can write an article that is loved not only by your human readers but also by the search engines. The difference between human readers and the search engines is that human readers can appreciate complex and innovative creative ideas that go beyond fixed rules, whereas algorithms used by search engines limit their judgment to pre-defined semantic interpretations based on a data element's attributes. In another words, search engines base their recommendations on automated tools for meta data management (meta data means data about data).

Therefore, search engines look at sets of attributes of meta-data called meta tags, such as titles, description, keywords and keyword densities and then recommend your article to a query, and your position on the resulting list depends the preponderance of keywords used in the search.
Hence, the SEO experts recommend optimizing your articles for a set of most profitable keywords, by using them in titles, description and content.
But if one were to write an article by merely counting the number of occurrences of keywords, the resulting article would be bereft of the aesthetic qualities that may appeal to intelligent human readers.
Luckily, there is a happy middle path that can please both your readers and the search engines. But remember, the rules I am about to state do not include creative writing, such as writing fiction or poetry.

Structuring the Topic with Headings

When you have decided to write on a topic, write one or two sentences that tell concisely what idea you are going to present. Spend some time over this, because this can define your keyword(s) and tell you how to craft your title and description around the central idea using the keywords.
Think of all the points that you would like to cover, and each of these points can be a sub topic. Each of the sub topics should be placed in a separate paragraph, preferably with a heading. Here's a BIG SEO tip: use a heading style that is available in your editor such as Heading 4. If you are using an editor other than Triond's you have a variety of styles to choose from : H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. Any word processor provides various heading styles you can use in your own personal blogs.
Why use a Heading style? Because SEO/common sense tells that whatever is put in a heading defines the topic for  the para that follows it. For the same reason, put the important key concepts or keywords in Bold letters. Not only does it capture the reader's attention but also that of the search engines. But you can use the Bold styling only the first time: not every time it occurs, if you care for the human readers.
But you can put the keywords in the headings. And make it stand out. Without using what is called keyword stuffing.

A Practical Example to Show Why Paragraph Headings are Important

As many of us do, I have re-used many of my articles at other sites such as Bukisa and Wikinut. Though my returns from these sites have been negligible, I'm surprised to see them, especially the articles at Wikinut, appear higher in the search results. Why?
Because Wikinut forces me to restructure the article by putting a section heading and a section content. I could not simple cut-paste the Triond write up. Often I ended up rearranging my sentences to make the paragraphs more coherent. One central idea to a paragraph or section. Isn't that what traditional style guides such as Elements of Style by Strunk and White teach us?

Structuring the Topic: Using Paragraphs as Transitional AidsAnother key concept of structuring the topic is to use transitional words to move from one central idea expressed in a paragraph to the next. We can use Headings to make a smooth transition.

When you are planning to write, think of it as a Powerpoint presentation. One slide/paragraph for one idea, keywords in bullet points and the title. If you are using a Word processor such as Microsoft Word to create your presentation, you would typically work in an Outline mode and use Headings appropriately.
When you discipline your writing this way, you would be helping the time-strapped reader who can skim through the article fast by reading only the Headings and still getting a fairly accurate picture. If the topic excites him/her, they may pour through the paragraphs.

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