April 29, 2011

High Oil Prices and Gold

U.S. gasoline inventories lowest level since August 2009 (Reuters) -

Futures rose to U.S. crude oil and Brent crude influenced by the U.S. government report showed that gasoline inventories fell more than expected last week.

The report came to reinforce the price of crude, which has flared since the outbreak of protests in the Arab region, which is richer in terms of global oil production.

A Tour of Jamaica: A Quick Overview of The Nation of Jamaica, Plus a Recipe for Jamaican Jerk Chicken as Lagniappe


Jamaica is a country full of culture, drinks, good food, beautiful beaches, and plenty to do. Jamaica is a great place to go on vacation with friends and family or just you and your significant other. They have something to offer for all people of all ages, from hiking to the top of a mountain to scuba diving to see a deep coral reef. Before you head to Jamaica you can get online and learn the local Jamaican Patois and impress the locals with your knowledge of their culture. If you ever get the opportunity I recommend taking a trip down to Jamaica and enjoying their culture and their beautiful country.

April 28, 2011

Five Great Ways That Your Body Will Amaze You

The human body is a complex structure that is designed to accomplish that task that is sustain life. How life is sustained is itself fascinating. However, there are a few things fir the obvious to obscure that give an interesting take on how the body works.
1. Acid Production

When it produces HCl for your stomach it does so in two separate parts. It produces hydrogen ions in the cell using an enzyme then it releases that ion into the lumen of the stomach via a channel and gradient. Cl ions then meet the H ion there as they are carried there through the cell from the bloodstream. Once them meet stomach acid is formed.

Space Shuttle Endeavor to Retire

The space shuttles are arguably some of the most successful aircraft in history, let alone most successful spacecraft. Their unique ability to glide from the very top of the atmosphere and land on a conventional runway qualifies them as aircraft, while, of course, their ability to orbit the planet makes them spacecraft as well.

Endeavor (officially designated OV-105) has done a masterful job of transferring goods and people from earth to the International Space Station and back. She shows well over 116 million miles on the odometer, and has orbited the Earth over 4,423 times. She’s docked with the Russian space station Mir once and with the International Space Station 11 times.

April 27, 2011

Urban Wilderness: Humans and Wild Animals in The City

Urban Wilderness: Humans and Wild Animals in The City: "

The wild creatures that occupy the urban wilderness are not like the wild creatures that live in the natural wilderness away from people. They won’t eat the same food drink from the same streams, climb the same trees, build their nests from the same materials, den in the same hollows or interact with man in the same manner as normal wild animals do. While they may look alike, keep in mind that they’re not the same, at least not in their manner of thinking or habits.

Endangered Species – Insects

Endangered Species – Insects: "

Australian Ant (Nothomyrmecia macrops)

Status: Critically endangered (IUCN)

Image source

Australian ants, also known as the Dinosaur ants, are found only in the Australian state of South Australia, and occupy several sites in an area measuring less than 0.4 square mile. Major threats to their survival include habitat destruction due to increasing population in the Australian ant’s limited range and bush fires at night. Although small in size, measuring only about 0.4 inch long, workers are able to carry large prey such as a caterpillar.

Endangered Species – Arachnids

Endangered Species – Arachnids: "

Bee Creek Cave Harvestman (Texella reddelli)

Status: Endangered (ESA)

Often called daddy longlegs, harvestmen are slow-moving predatory eyeless spiders that inhabit the underground caves of Texas. The primary threat to the harvestmen and other cave invertebrates in the area is the loss of habitat due to rapid urban expansion, resulting in many caves having been paved over or filled in.

Einstein Provides View of Ancient Object

Einstein Provides View of Ancient Object: "
Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope spotted it first. The W.M. Keck Telescope on Mauna Kea confirmed the results. The light coming from a tiny galaxy 13.5 billion light years away was not the most distant ever seen, but it was the oldest.

The distant galaxy in question appears to be quite mature – light emitted from it shows the spectra of fully formed and mature stars. It is the age of the galaxy that has physicists and astronomers scratching their heads: the Big Bang is theorized to have happened 13.7 billion years ago. The newly found galaxy appears to have formed just 200 thousand years after that. The galaxy is the oldest object, and conversely the youngest, spotted to date. Even though the thing is 13.5 billion years old, astronomers refer to it as young because it developed at the very beginning of the known universe, when all that we know and understand was young.

Roots and Shoots in a Plant World

Roots and Shoots in a Plant World: "
In general the three main components to a plant are the root system, the shoot system, and the leaves. In general the roots collect nutrients and the shoot collects carbon dioxide. Working together these systems allow for plant growth to exist under multiple conditions.

Most roots have a section called a taproot and a lateral roots which are analogous to the tributaries of a river. The roots help to hold a plant in the soil while preventing soil erosion. It is also common for the roots to make up most of a plants mass and streach for large distances underground. In many places the roots of a plant will allow a plant to reappear after a situation such as a fire. Roots may also act as a place for plants to store food such as starch.

Plant Form in a Diverse World

Plant Form in a Diverse World: "
Plants are among the most interesting organisms as the are able to undertake photosynthesis and for the base of many food chains. When you consider that it is this process which allows for plant life to exist it is a wonder that life can change form a simple process into something that is more complex. This also means that plants continue to grow throughout their lives through a process called indeterminate growth.

Unlike animals most plants stay in one spot. Using roots and leaves, it then obtains the nutrients that are reuired to sustain life. The two major systems of a plant are the root system and the shoot system. The rtoot system allows the plant to take in water and nutrients from the soil, while the shoot system harvests light and carbon dioxide.

Serving Freshwater Pike

Serving Freshwater Pike: "

The Pike is a family of voracious freshwater fish. This fish commonly has a long body with a flattened back and small scales that cover the body. It has a large mouth with many sharp teeth and bottom jaws that protrude. All of the members of this family are sport fish and can put up quite a fight. The pike eats other game fish and often will eat small animals.

Saturn’s Moon Titan Has Gone Cold

Saturn’s Moon Titan Has Gone Cold: "
Space exploration is a fickle thing. From Earth Saturn’s moon Titan appears to be a cold and lifeless ball. From the Voyager spacecraft she appeared to have an atmosphere. From the Huygens probe, which actually landed on the surface, we learned that the atmosphere is a nasty mix of methane and hydrocarbons. Huygens also brought us the intriguing possibility that Titan is volcanically active.

Volcanism on Titan could be triggered as it is on Earth, by the inward pressure of its mantle on its rocky core coupled with the gravitational pull of other bodies, in our case the moon. Titan is so far from the sun, however, that volcanoes there would most likely be shooting water instead of molten rock.

Juno to Provide Window Into Jupiter

Juno to Provide Window Into Jupiter: "
Jupiter is a wild and exciting place. What used to be considered just a giant gas cloud hovering around the sun has turned out to be a dynamic, vibrant planet with horrific storms, planet-Earth-sized lightning discharges, and a terrible death grip on its moons. As our ability to examine the planet grows, the number of strange and unimagined Jovian features increases.

For example, we now know that Jupiter’s magnetic field charges up the moon Io like a battery. Io then blasts the gas giant with a electrical zap from 262 thousand miles away creating lightning that dashes through the Jovian clouds in bolts that are tens of thousands of miles long. We know that Jupiter’s magnetosphere is the largest object in the solar system, and that it puts an incredible strain on Jupiter’s moons, grinding some to dust while blowing the surface off of others.

April 25, 2011

My Favorite All-time Youtube Videos

You Tube has opened the media world up to the common person.  Anyone with a video camera can be a producer, director, or be the star of your own unique production.  Here are some of my favorites!  Enjoy.
This Kid has serious rythm!  Next star of “Dancing with the Stars?”

Political and Social Themes in Hamlet

Political And Social Themes In Hamlet
 Hamlet is a play that is driven by social and political elements. Be it between Hamlet and Claudius or Denmark and Norway, it is these social and political feuds that drive the play. There are various themes used by Shakespeare in the play that can be put in these two categories. These themes include, but are in no way limited to; Death, religion, social class, revenge, pride, politics and isolation.
  Hamlet, the play, as a whole is very patriarchal. The men seem to wield the power and excert it over not just each other, but also the women in the play. Both Hamlet and Claudius can be seen controling Gertrude at various points in the play. Claudius uses her to try and control Hamlet, where as Hamlet uses her as a pawn in his game of trying to get to the bottom of what actually happened to his father. Gertude is seen less as another human being but more of a prize in Claudius’ eyes, there is no doubt in our minds through out the play that Claudius did not only kill old Hamlet for the throne but also for Gertrude’s hand in marriage.
  Unfortunately for Ophelia, Gertrude is not the only women ruled by the men in the play, Ophelia is often controlled also. Polonius uses her as a spy. He send her to spy on Hamlet, hoping to get to find out the cause of his apparant madness. Not only does he send her to spy on Hamlet, but he also says, “I will loose her,” which is not only controling, but also degrading, likening her to an obediant dog or another animal of some sort. This is dehumanising in another way, not only does it appear that he sees her as an animal but also as a an object of possession. Hamlet uses Ophelia more as a love object, but he does see her more as a human being than Laertes and Polonius. It appears that Hamlet is in love with Ophelia as he often talks to her affectionately. But as the play progresses Hamlet begins to distrust Ophelia. “Get thee to a nunnery.” This shows his distrust in her word and her purity, it also makes the audience wonder whether Hamlet cares about Ophelia anymore. She becomes more like someone Hamlet can channel his rage at, rather than someone Hamlet is trying to win over. Laertes treats Ophelia like a child, warning her to beware of Hamlet and he tries to frighten her away from him, saying that Hamlet cannot be trusted and is only interested in her for sexual reasons and once she loses her virginity she will not find another man. “Perhaps he loves you now, And now soil nor cautel doth besmirch, The virtue of his will; but you must fear, His greatness weighed, his will is not his own, For he himself is subject to birth.”

Everything Happens for a Reason

2006, a year old in the IT world when I realized coding is not what I want to do for a living. Not knowing what I should do either I thought  I am not prepared for the corporate world yet. I thought I really haven’t had my share of fun and relaxing days. So, getting back to college again was my easy way out. I thought having another degree under my hat, probably from a foreign country, would bring me big money without any efforts– and what could have been easier or better than choosing US of A, the place where the rest of the the crowd was headed too. I guess at this point, I was really trying to run away from all the problems like a coward and it was very easy to convince my family to support me into this, giving them the hope that I would make them proud and I was destined to be something other than what I was blah blah blah…
While I was on my way to step outside the country, I am introduced to this guy virtually(over email), who could help me in the process of realizing my American dream. I thought he was just another usual guy you come across in your life. I had approached him for help, but I wasn’t too comfortable asking a stranger, even better, somebody I had never seen to help me. He, not knowing who I was, or what I was, offered his help. He was ready to go out of his way to help me, and this had never happened to me before. I always had to fight to get even what I deserve. For the first time, I was made to feel like I was blessed with this helping hand. One fine day, we met and nothing unusual happened. All I remember was that he was a very friendly, kind and a warm person. Then, it was time for me to leave and we knew we would keep in touch. After I was in this foreign country, I don’t if it was my loneliness, or was it having too much time on hand, I became friends with my guardian angel who was far away from me in no time through emails and regular chats. I was very impressed with him in a strange way and his words were music to my ears. I thought God had created him based on my requirements, he was perfect to the T. He showered me with all the attention I wanted, he listened to all the crap I spoke and he spoke only what I wanted to hear. He was like this magician, whose tricks always amaze you and I was like this kid who wanted to see more and more. Though we were 1000 miles away, we knew everything about each others day to day life, as though we lived 24/7 together. I definitely thought we met for a reason.

Traveling Alone with an Infant

Flying with an infant can be challenging especially when you are the only caregiver aboard, but it doesn’t have to be a complete nightmare. When my daughter was under one year old, we traveled from Oregon to Maine with nary a problem. I will admit we lucked out with an exceptional flight crew who all happened to love babies so they were begging to take turns holding her in their downtime. However, even if you aren’t as fortunate as I was, there are steps that you can take to get your trip off to a good start, as well as improving the travel experience of the other passengers.
The first thing you need to do is pack for the baby. In your diaper bag, be sure to include plenty of wipes and spit up cloths. Babies may experience a bit of nausea on the flight and you will not want to be stuck with nothing to clean him or her up with. There is also the chance that you will be cleaning yourself. A spare change of clothes, cleaning cloths and a few spare diapers will be essential to everyone’s comfort in the case of stomach upset.

A Summary and Review of Leadership Jazz by Max De Pree for Thinking Executives – and Those Who Want to be One

A Summary and Review of Leadership Jazz by Max De Pree for Thinking Executives – and Those Who Want to be One: "

Executive Summary

The Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Outsourcing: An Analysis of The Pluses and Minuses of Taking Work Abroad

The Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Outsourcing: An Analysis of The Pluses and Minuses of Taking Work Abroad: "


This article will explain to every one what Outsourcing is and what it isn’t. I will go over all of the issues, advantages, disadvantages, benefits, and downfalls, so that people will know exactly what Outsourcing does. I want people to have all of the information at their fingertips to decide how they feel about Outsourcing. This is a very touchy subject and make people feel differently.

Reasons to Buy an iPhone

Reasons to Buy an iPhone: "
Reasons to Buy an iPhone

Many people wonder whether they should buy an iPhone or not. While the idea seems interesting to them, they cannot make a decision, because they do not know exactly what an iPhone can offer them. In order for people to be convinced that an iPhone can be a worthwhile purchase, they need to have at least one good reason for it.

Sports Nutrition: A Guide to Energy Values of Different Foods

Sports Nutrition: A Guide to Energy Values of Different Foods: "

Looking for a Cow for Your Homestead

Looking for a Cow for Your Homestead: "
Looking for a cow for your homestead

By Joseph Parish

My friend Wayne and I were discussing livestock over a few rounds of coffee the other evening and he suggested the possibility of raising a few cows. Since my mini-farm is only two acres, I thought that the idea of a cow was a bit of ridiculous thought and laughed at the idea. Wayne went on to explain that the ideal cow for a small farm or homestead would be the Dexter bovine.

Get a Business Card: How to Get More Traffic for Your Blog

Get a Business Card: How to Get More Traffic for Your Blog: "
To promote your business, you take your business cards everywhere you go, exchange them with your friends. And even if you don’t see immediate business, you still drop your card, because you believe that luck’s mysterious pathways may take that card to some prospective client. Who knows!

And yes, the business cards make you look very PROFESSIONAL.

You can make free business cards with your own designed image and distribute it to anybody who has registered with Entrecard.

Source Code

Source Code: "
If you’ve done any prereading about this film, released in Britain over the weekend, you’ll know the plot without having to see it. I had read little, or forgotten what I did know, and the story unravelled to me alongside Jake Gyllenhaal’s character. We are meant to share his confusion, his disorientation, and together gradually piece together where he is, what he’s doing, what’s happened to him and for whom he is working.

All I would say that this belongs in the intelligent summer mind bending sci fi camp, alongside the Matrix and Inception.

It underdevelops the emotional and moral exploration that the subject and story lend themselves to. A bit like Titanic, it’s a love story based on a short acquaintance during a transport disaster between two young people. But the girl on the train isn’t the most interesting woman in the film; and like Titanic, some of the actions are cringe-inducing. There could be a greater twist with the originator of the bomb, who is not given enough of an incentive. For a time, it felt like a brave film that questioned governments but it came out as pro USA and military. At least the terrorists aren’t Middle Eastern and the city for once is not New York.

From The Beatles to Frank Ifield in Five Simple Steps

From The Beatles to Frank Ifield in Five Simple Steps: "
For more articles like this, check out the Magical Mystery Music Tour.

1. The Beatles – Within You Without You

This George Harrison penned track was number 8 on the Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album. Despite being a somewhat difficult and ‘odd’ track there are still a number of cover versions out there, including the following one by Sonic Youth.

How to Get a Copyright Symbol to Put on My Photos

How to Get a Copyright Symbol to Put on My Photos: "
Yield a new enter in a piture redaction information. The record filler should be around 100 pixels x 300 pixels with a partitioning of 150 DPI, or dots per advance. Your document item, also referred to as a watermark, leave differ in filler and concretism, but these lottery are a etch starting tip. DPI refers to the quantity of data tell in the full somebody enter. A 72 DPI soul can be misused if your images present stay in a digital formatting and be situated online; it gift be too smallish for a printed mortal (the document symbol module

Set your enter panorama to transparency. This scene module grounds only the real symbol or matter in the record to materialise when it is settled over your digital appearance. In most redaction programs, a transparent information with gently bicolored squares will seem for writing purposes only. Erst the someone is salvageable and practical to added document, the noise leave be completely transparent. Use your text puppet to add the copyright symbolization, indicated with a elfin grapheme “c” exclusive of a locomote. In most writing programs, a lineament dialogue box faculty seem time you use the matter way. You faculty hear the reverse illustration under the symbol segment of your type options.

Punctuation Primer: Use of Periods

Punctuation Primer: Use of Periods: "

Periods after completion of a sentence

Periods (or ‘full stops’) mark the termination of a sentence. For example,

Ashoka was a great emperor.

Simple enough. Note that the period is placed immediately after the last letter of the last word. The next sentence begins after one space. Looks obvious when I say it, but the rule is often ignored.

The article How To Combine Two Or More Sentences discusses what makes a complete sentence, and how we have to use conjunctions and punctuations to combine them.

Biodegradable car made from rattan and bamboo

Biodegradable car made from rattan and bamboo: "
The Phoenix is a concept car, with a biodegradable body built from rattan and bamboo (Phot...
While the metal bodywork of cars certainly can be melted down and recycled, the process requires a lot of energy, and therefore isn't entirely eco-friendly.

Choosing The Types of Shrubs for Your Garden Landscaping Project

Choosing The Types of Shrubs for Your Garden Landscaping Project: "

Make sure you consider the quantity of light available to the shrubs you’re planning to plant. Will the sunlight be direct or is it strained through your neighbor’s trees? Is it morning time sun or late afternoon sun? When there is no shade, would the plants be in bright sunlight for almost the whole day? All of these are conditions you should look at before choosing your shrub. Remember them when you go to the nursery.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Prince William and Kate Middleton: "
The soon-to-be royal couple Prince William and Kate Middleton have their wedding day fast approaching. It seems as though everybody is excited about the Prince and his bride. There are several facts you should know, including:

Prince William and Kate Middleton will honeymoon in the Scilly Islands. These are islands located off the coast of Land’s End of the United Kingdom. While it is not the most extravagant place for Prince William to take his bride, it shows the “common people” that the two do not need special treatment – although anyone who goes there is certainly enjoying a luxurious vacation.

Prince William and Kate Middleton “got together” in College, broke up after several years, and then got back together for good. They plan to tie the knot in just a few days.

To learn more about Kate Middleton, read about:

Magnificent Synagogue Under Threat

Magnificent Synagogue Under Threat: "
A wide central gable is flanked by short octagonal towers and the whole is executed in vigorous polychrome brickwork. The façade is dominated by a vast window with Art Deco tracery and brilliant stained glass. The window is framed by concentric brick arches with lozenge patterning. Running below the window is a mosaic band with a Hebrew scripture. At the summit of the gable are stone tablets representing the Ten Commandments.

The synagogue was entered through twin double-doors enclosed within the central arch. Divided by octagonal half-columns, the doors have large fanlights containing stained glass in vibrant abstract designs. Low wings project at the four corners of the building, each decorated with patterned brickwork. Glass had a passion for brightly-coloured façades: the synagogue is composed of red and yellow ablaq brickwork, interlaced with an attractive artificial stone to produce a bold polychromy typical of Byzantine architecture.

Ladakh: Nature’s Abode in India

Ladakh: Nature’s Abode in India: "
Ladakh is the eastern region in the state of Jammu and Kashmir of Northern India, sandwiched between the Karakoram mountain range on the north and the Himalayas on the south. Bounded by two of the world’s mightiest mountain ranges, the Karakoram in the north and the Great Himalaya in the south, it is traversed by two other parallel chains, the Ladakh Range and the Zanskar Range. No wonder, it is a popular place for adventure tourism.

The mountain ranges span the borders across Pakistan, India, and China. Ladakh was a critical link in the ancient Central Asian trade route network connecting Tibet, China and Kashmir. The word Ladakh means “land of high passes”.

A Summary and Review of The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox: A Guide for Thinking Executives – and Those Who Want to be One

A Summary and Review of The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox: A Guide for Thinking Executives – and Those Who Want to be One: "

Cover via Amazon

April 22, 2011

Rolex or Timex: Which Watch Would You Wear?

There are two types of shoppers, those that have Rolex taste and those that have Timex taste. Which best describes you?

Tips on Homeschooling Teenage Children

A lot of parents then break the homeschooling process and merrily turn in the reign to outside authorities. But is this actually necessary? Is the purely compartmentalized education system offered in traditional schools the best option?

April 21, 2011

Blogging: A Way to Get Rich?

If you’re a regular internet user, it can’t have escaped your attention that blogging seems to be increasing every single day. You can blog about everything. Some people use it as an online diary, whereas others simply use it as a way to talk about their hobbies and interests.

April 20, 2011

Tips for Selling on Ebay

eBay is by far the world's largest online auction site, and it's actually one of the biggest marketplaces of any kind, where you can find just about anything you're looking for. When you list an item here, there's no telling how many bidders you might attract or how much you might ultimately get for it. Yet in order to attract the attention you need for this outcome, your auction has to be optimized in a certain way. Your goal is to attract more bids for your items, and you can do this by making some adjustments in the way you run your auctions.

How to Write an Article or a Blog That Search Engines And Your Readers Love

You can write an article that is loved not only by your human readers but also by the search engines. The difference between human readers and the search engines is that human readers can appreciate complex and innovative creative ideas that go beyond fixed rules, whereas algorithms used by search engines limit their judgment to pre-defined semantic interpretations based on a data element's attributes. In another words, search engines base their recommendations on automated tools for meta data management (meta data means data about data).

10 Tallest Buildings in New Orleans

Back when my great-great-great grandfather built the annex to his hotel in 1908, it was the tallest building in the city, and held that record until 1921, just two years before the family sold it. The hotel had fourteen floors – a site that back then was massive but grand. Of course, today, fourteen floors is hardly anything to marvel over. This is evidenced by the fact that over thirty-five other buildings in the city have since surpassed the record the Grunewald’s once held.
The following buildings are not likely to blow you away with their detail work or old world charm, however, these modern high rises make up the ten tallest buildings in the city of New Orleans.

An “Essay” on The Age of Exploration Explorers

The great explorers sat at the round table together discussing who the greatest person was in the year of our lord 2010 up in the great galleon in the sky.
“I’m the most fit!” said Amerigo Vespuccci to his Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese counterparts.
“I have the hottest wife!” Magellan stated loudly, banging on the table.
“Those things don’t matter. We need to be discussing who the greatest explorer of us all is.” Columbus stated, he continued, “of course it is me! After all I discovered America”

Electrified nano filter could mean cheap drinking water

The filter being treated with silver and CNTs (B,C), and SEM images of the cotton, silver ...
Yi Cui, an Assistant Professor of Material Science and Engineering at Stanford University, has invented quite the water filter. It’s inexpensive, is very resistant to clogging, and uses much less electricity than systems that require the water to be pumped through them. It also kills bacteria, as opposed to just trapping them, which is all that many existing systems do. ..

April 19, 2011

How to Write Really Good Essays

There are many sites on the internet that can teach you how to write an essay. A research paper can be daunting if you don’t have the time or the skills needed to write the paper. These days’ college students aren’t limited to college aged kids, some single moms trying to juggle work and family. Finding the times to write a research paper can be quite a challenge for that mom who is tired at the end of the day. So she makes the dubious phone call and yells to the person on the other end of the phone: “write my essay’!

Five Popular Wedding Songs

It is important to choose the right wedding song for your first dance as a newly married couple. There are a number of great wedding songs that you may want to take into consideration. For a beautiful song, it is ideal to consider these 5 popular wedding songs.

My Fantasy Flash Fiction Workshop

Growing up, I wanted to be a professional quarterback.  Then I wanted to be president of the United States.  I even wanted to be a filmmaker.  I got to be a filmmaker, but making films is a complicated business and as a filmmaker your success depends on lots of other people.  Writing flash fiction is simple.  It only takes one person.  The writer.  I decided to be a flash fiction writer.

Wiping You Know What Without Toilet Paper

Wiping you know what without toilet paper
By Joseph Parish

In every survivalist mind we have the following question sitting and waiting an answer however in most cases the individual is too embarrassed to openly ask the question. I will save everyone the red face of mortification and bring the topic out into the open at this time. When preparing for emergency situations people are often curious as to what they would have to do about toilet paper usage when the infrastructure declines and possibly remains permanently disabled.

100 Days of Fantasy, Day 57: Great Expectations

This is an ongoing series looking at books that have influenced one fantasy author.

Great Expectations

by Charles Dickens
Let me be frank. I hate Charles Dickens.
To be fair, I don’t hate him personally. I’m sure he was a fine enough fellow 150 years ago. But I can’t stand his writing. His prose seems as dry to me as the soil of a desert.

April 18, 2011

How Watermelon Helps Borderline Hypertension

Can eating watermelon help to prevent hypertension? It would seem unlikely that munching on this summer picnic food would lower blood pressure, but there’s some science behind this idea. According to a new study from Florida State University, a chemical extracted from watermelon called L-citrulline lowers blood pressure in people who have borderline hypertension.
Watermelon Citrulline to Prevent Hypertension?

Can You Survive Without a Thyroid Gland?

There’s a small, butterfly-shaped organ that lies in the neck just below the Adam’s apple called the thyroid gland. Most people take this hard-working organ for granted. But don’t underestimate its importance. Can you live without a thyroid gland – or is it necessary to sustain life?
Can You Live Without a Thyroid Gland?
You can live without a thyroid gland, but you won’t survive very long without the hormones this gland produces. These hormones, T3 and T4, have an effect on every cell in the body by controlling the rate with which they use energy and oxygen – the body’s metabolic rate. Not surprisingly, people who are deficient in thyroid hormone, a condition called hypothyroidism, gain weight and feel very tired.

Five Tiny Things to Stop Buying to Save Big Money

1.) Coffee- By all means, continue to buy coffee. But drinking coffee multiple times a day, especially from an overpriced place like Starbuck’s, fuels a caffiene addiction and wastes your money. Most people still need some coffee though, so try buying cheaper coffee in bulk at a place like Costco, or drinking the free coffee in your office.

Why Expensive Shampoo is a Waste of Money?

Do rich people you know always have better hair than people with less money?  No.  But they probably use higher-priced shampoos.
On websites with in-depth reviews of haircare products, such as makeupalley.com, you will find that shampoos costing get the exact same reviews as shampoos costing .  Ojon, a very high-end brand of shampoo, consistently rates 3/5, whereas Suave Professionals, an extremely cheap shampoo, usually gets into the 4-5/5 category and is said to be comprable to Redken and Aveda.
Truth be told, sometimes you do need expensive haircare products.  If your hair is severely damaged, you will need a good protein treatment.  Redken anti-snap or deep fuel, or Joico K Pak Reconstructor are good bets for that.  But if your hair is just mildly dry, somewhat oily, or wavy, you could easily just buy yourself a four dollar bottle of Garnier and be done with it.

10 All-natural Ways to Kill Roaches Wasps and Bugs

Roaches are an increasingly troubling problem for a large majority of American households. Roaches can spread infectious diseases after these bugs come in direct contact with food and drinks by cross-contamination. Roach droppings and the droppings from other bugs and rodents can potentially contaminate human dwellings with dangerous bacteria causing serious health problems.
It is important to note; no amount of money, professional extermination treatments or all-natural home remedies can work over-the-longrun, if the home isn’t kept clean. Keeping this in mind, it is necessary to store all food in airtight food storage containers or Ziploc plastic storage bags, so to keep any source of delightful temptations of the food variety, out of the bugs’ reach. Sweeping, mopping and/or vacuuming the floors throughout the house will help remove any tiny bits of food crumbs that might have fallen to the floor.
Roaches and other bugs often sneak into dwelling places through open doors, plumbing holes behind washing machines and dryers, sink and bathtub drains. It is important to keep outdoor doors closed, seal all open exposed holes behind indoor washing machines and dryers, as well as, use drain covers to prevent roaches and other bugs from stopping by for a long vacation.

15 Tips and Best Hack on Windows 7

You have to upgrade to Windows 7, is very fond of your new taskbar, and enjoy the interesting features of the Libraries.But now you want more, you want interesting tips and tricks that will make Windows 7 the more interesting!

As of this posting will be given the best tips and tricks that will help you to better explore your new OS again. In this article we will focus on the interface of Windows 7 which will help you become a power user of Windows 7. In the next section, we will talk about advanced tips for usability, performance and security.

Which is The Best of Paid Advertising to Increase Sales?

The Internet has now become an important medium for product and service advertisements. Almost every company that can afford print, radio and TV advertisements have also ventured into placing ads on the Internet.

But with millions of websites out there being visited by millions of computer users, how can you make sure that your ad can be seen by your target customers and that your leads will be followed by these users? In order to make money online with your website, you need to give it a good boost or SEO it well.

I have a few tips, for those who have money to start their Internet business.

Do Not Publish Rubbish Online | How Not to Make Money Online

How to Make Money Online

In a nutshell the way you make money online is to attract readers to your content. Your content might be an article or it might be a website from which you are selling a product or service. Attracting more readers to either will increase your profits in two ways. in the first instance you will make more money from advertising be it PPC or PPM (pay per click or pay per thousand views). In the second instance the more readers you attract the more probable that one (or hopefully more) will purchase your product or service.


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