June 27, 2011

Elements of Life

Humans are complex multicellular organisms. As such a person requires many nutrients, minerals and amino acids to function at peak efficiency. These can be provided by food and it is through food that other components such as vitamins are created. Dietary intake is important to sustain the life of the human body. In a diet there are a few necessary components which are required by the body.

Carbohydrates are a main source of energy for the body. While they are not essential for life their simpler structure makes them easier for the body to break down into the substances required to undertake cell metabolism. Lipids are another source of energy in the body. Due to there chemical structure they cannot be dissolved in water and thus, they are normally stored as the body’s fats.

Vitamins and minerals are substances which are required by the to function properly. Most of them are organic compounds which already exist in food and vegetables. Some are water soluble are need to be replaced often. Others are stored in the body’s fat until they are needed. These factors together make up the elements that make life necessary.


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